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2023/11/09 – 2024/03/15 | Kasernenstraße 67, Düsseldorf/DE
2023/11/09 – 2024/03/15 | Kasernenstraße 67, Düsseldorf/DE
The WebApp accompanying the project is now available via smartphone and desktop in six languages: German, English, Hebrew, French, Russian and Arabic. With missing link_, Mischa Kuball has created a temporary light installation on Kasernenstraße that focuses on the commemoration …
ReadWDR, tagesthemen on 2024/3/31
WDR, tagesthemen on 2024/3/31
In more and more exhibitions, the paintings of well-known artists such as Monet, Dalà or Kahlo are projected onto huge surfaces on the wall and floor using projectors and accompanied by music so that viewers can immerse themselves in the works. In the article "Immersive …
Read2024/2/3 – 2024/4/31 I Priska Pasquer Gallery, Cologne /DE
2024/2/3 – 2024/4/31 I Priska Pasquer Gallery, Cologne /DE
As the beginning of a new exhibition series, Liminal refers to the transitional or intermediate stages of a process, space or state. Over the course of 2024, the gallery aims to make these transitions tangible as a tension between the real external space and the aesthetic …