09.01 – 11.01 2007 in the Kunsthal, Aarhus /NL

The Kunsthal in Aarhus is transformed into a dynamic body of light by Mischa Kuball's installations - rotating projections in the interior, which project the codes of our relational apparatus - such as numbers and letters, are flanked by lightning signals in the exterior. Right at the entrance, the visitor learns that this is a new old institution in Aarhus - KUNST - now emblazoned in bronze - underlined with a neon addition of H A L - a new term for this place! The neon twitches and flashes unexpectedly into the urban space and is intended to remain on the building as a permanent installation.
The outside finds a counterpart in the inside in the installations, the content of which moves with the fields of neuropsychology - the work 'broca'sche Areal' and 'Lucky Number' play with the factors of longing happiness - Kairos - and the brain processes observable through 'image guided surgery' and 'MRT'. Light, seeing and understanding form a sought-after analogy here.
Outside, there is a second location that connects the top with the bottom like an architectural 'lantern' - here too, strong strobe lights are used to emit an unmistakable signal into the urban space and make the lower room (exhibition space) appear like an energetic field of light;
Another projection attempts to create a further ephemeral connection with a laser scanner - past the remand prison - on the façade of the AROS Museum.

Kunsthal-Aros, Århus, 2007

Kunsthal-Aros, Århus, 2007
Photo: Jens Møller Sørensen, Århus